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Welcome to the EDB / ESG Networking Event private meeting scheduling system. This is a special 1-1 meeting system exclusively for selected guests at the EDB / ESG Networking Event on November 21 to maximise connections between retailers and distributors and producers of indoor-grown produce and plant-based proteins. 

You can use this website to connect with attendees and arrange meetings before you arrive at the EDB / ESG Networking Event from 6pm - 8pm on November 21. Please note that this meeting system is for the EDB / ESG Networking Event only, and if you are registered for the main summit you will have been emailed separately with access to the Rethink Events App which is used for the whole Asia-Pacific Agri-Food Innovation Week.

Please log in to access your account using your email address and the password that has been emailed to you. If you have forgotten your password, click here to reset. 

If you need assistance please check out the FAQ guide.

If you don't find the answer there, please email sophie.ruffett@rethinkevents.com or contact us on +44 1273 789910.